Petro Waste Busters manage the impact of its services, activities and business on the health and safety of its employees, contractors and all other concerned people by its commitment:

  • To consider hazards and risks of all activities, existing and new, and to apply best available technology/practice, where appropriate, to help demonstrate our commitment to the prevention of any accident/incident/near miss/injury/ill health.
  • To provision of continuous support and commitment for the implementation of this policy/OHS management system and performance by the top management.
  • To take corrective actions for improvement of health and safety where adequate care has not been taken in the past.
  • To conduct operations in accordance with the relevant National/Provisional regulation as well as any applicable international regulation/other requirements.
  • To annually review all health and safety aspects of the organization.
  • To train its employees for handling regarding occupational health and safety aspects.
  • To continual improvement of occupational health and safety management system particularly OHSAS 18001.
  • To recycle/reuse the waste on priority than disposal options.

This policy will be accessible to all employees and clients of Petro Waste Busters.

Bilal Hassan Awan

Chief Executive Officer

Petro Waste Busters

April, 2015

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